They had a long chat in the pantry. / They have chatted for a long time in the pantry. (佢哋喺茶水間吹咗好耐水。)
I spent the whole afternoon in idle chit-chat with my friends. (我今日同班friend吹咗成個晏晝水。)
My mother has made small talk with Mrs. Chan next door for over half an hour. (我阿媽同隔離屋陳太吹咗成半粒鐘水。)B. 我們也可用「pass the time of day」(寒暄)或「shoot the breeze / bull」(閒聊)這些 idioms 表達第一類的「吹水」:
A: Hey! What are you up to?
B: Nothing much. We are in Starbucks, shooting the breeze / bull.
(乙:冇呀,我哋喺 Starbucks 吹緊水囉。)
My father stops and passes the time of day with the security guard every morning. (我老豆朝朝都停低同個看更吹水。)C.要表達第二類的「吹水」,即吹牛,我們可以用動詞「brag」(吹噓)或「boast」(自誇)來表達:
He always brags about how well he has made money from stock investment! (佢成日喺度吹水話自己買股票賺好多!)
I’m not boasting, but I am actually a relative of Lee Ka Shing. (我唔係吹水,李家誠真係我親戚嚟㗎!)D. 我們也可以用「blow one’s own trumpet / horn」(吹自己的喇叭 / 號角)這個 idiom 來表達這類自吹自擂的「吹水」行為:
I’m tired of him always blowing his own trumpet / horn about how popular he is among girls! (我真係頂佢唔順,成日喺度吹水話自己幾咁受女仔歡迎!)E. 要表達第三類的「吹水」,我們可用「pay lip service (to something)」(對〔某事物〕說應酬話)或「talk the talk but not walk the walk」(講一套,做一套)這些 idioms:
They just pay lip service to environmental issues. (佢哋講咩關注環保吖,得個吹字。)
When it comes to volunteering, he talks the talk but never walks the walk. (講到做義工,佢淨係識得吹水,但係永遠都冇做過。)F. 我們也可以用「full of it / full of hot air」(空口講白話)這個兩個 idioms 來表達這類不負責任的「吹水」行為。(註:hot air (n.) - 空話)
Shut up! You’re so full of it! (收聲啦!你呢啲正一吹水怪!)
You believe in what he said? He is full of hot air! (佢吹水㗎咋!你唔係信佢吓嘛?)
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