
標題: [美国/四级] 朦胧的性 Awakening To Love 2010 [MP4/843MB/BT] [打印本頁]

作者: kille-MJ    時間: 2019-10-18 19:35
標題: [美国/四级] 朦胧的性 Awakening To Love 2010 [MP4/843MB/BT]
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[美国/四级] 朦胧的性 Awakening To Love 2010 [MP4/843MB/BT]1 }1 K) J; T$ r- s+ t) n
% M* I' p' g# z( }【影片名称】:朦胧的性 Awakening To Love 2010(浪漫唯美情色)
' o! T  ]  r; q; w9 k; R' m9 f【影片大小】:843MB
8 [9 j: g- z8 [% O( b( Y【影片时间】:02:07:57$ k% ?5 F1 K# ?
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, T( J- Z1 f; C( G【剧情介绍】:
3 G1 I6 x( J7 n: g    特蕾莎的生活几乎走到尽头时,她被一辆车撞。她的未婚夫,斯图尔特,发誓,他将永远不会离开她的身边,但看着她消失可能是太多他来处理。特蕾莎唤醒个月后来到一个空的座位在她旁边和一个空点在她的心中。她会再爱一次的那个英俊的医生,对待她的启发吗?或她最好的朋友的爱的婚姻关系吗?或由医院病人是谁在她旁边的床上吗?特蕾莎将唤醒对生活充满爱或没有爱的生活吗?新感觉提出了一个关于失去爱 & 找到爱的浪漫系列电影 — — 觉醒的爱。
+ S$ B$ _6 k$ x$ j6 [6 |2 B/ PTheresa’s life nearly comes to an end when she is hit by a car. Her fiance, Stuart, swears that he will never leave her side, but watching her fade away may be too much for him to handle. Theresa awakens months later to an empty seat next to her, and an empty spot in her heart. Will she be inspired to love again by the handsome doctor who treats her? Or by her best friends’ loving marriage? Or by the hospital patient who is in the bed next to her? Will Theresa awaken to a life full of love or to a life without it? New Sensations presents a Romance Series movie about love lost & love found — Awakening to Love.
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( T. s: S" Y* r& c0 z+ c. ]【免币下载】:bgwrherj.rar
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[精品软件] <已更新链接>某宝的VIP迅雷,用了一段时间了很好用共享出来
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