
標題: [美国/三级] 安息日 [MP4/1.38G] [打印本頁]

作者: kille-MJ    時間: 2021-4-6 21:54
標題: [美国/三级] 安息日 [MP4/1.38G]
[美国/三级] 安息日 [MP4/1.38G]  `5 ^4 e; Q8 T( o
[attach]22102106[/attach]$ l) W+ V6 Y* }" J  r
" o% o4 x0 l- H* J* D! [: J【影片格式】:MP4
7 i6 d7 P& F# Z+ a, B2 ?, y# f【影片大小】:1.38G
' u% J1 z: f- |' J8 p% _! w/ V导演: 马可·贝洛基奥
9 J6 {% z# ]! k4 i, P! }编剧: 马可·贝洛基奥
9 Q% K6 x5 ^4 I+ s& G主演: 碧翠斯·黛尔 / Daniel Ezralow / Corinne Touzet
1 l8 b9 {# S- {8 C4 `5 H类型: 剧情5 ?# d$ y; @& v4 Y5 |
制片国家/地区: 意大利 / 法国* m' f- B7 g  o3 n* D+ L& F
语言: 意大利语
, a) k* _* b7 N2 J上映日期: 1988-02-26
% q2 y! j5 o( N* K: I$ Y' q片长: 94 分钟4 u$ {$ ^# v3 P( ?/ m0 G
剧情简介! n" j/ f( I% x+ z- Y2 g# p
    即将毕业的精神病医生大卫将发表一份关于年轻的萨巴的意见,他因谋杀一名林业工人而受审。她声称自己是女巫,代表魔鬼行事。公共卫生官员告诉大卫,他有理由相信她,300年来她一直在寻找一个适合自己需要的男人。在与萨巴第一次见面之后,大卫开始改变:他忽略了年轻漂亮的妻子克里斯蒂娜,在白日梦和幻觉中放松自己,在幻觉中他参与了审问和情色女巫的圈子。4 y/ O' t: s( ]5 v! m
  The shortly graduated psychiatrist David shall deliver an opinion about the young Sabba, who's on trial for murder of a forester. She claims she's a witch and acted on behalf of the devil. The public health officer tells David, he's got reason to believe her, that she'd been searching for a man who suits her needs for 300 years. Already after his first meeting with Sabba, David begins to change: He ignores his beautiful young wife Christina and looses himself in daydreams and hallucinations in which he participates in inquisitory questioning and erotic witches' circles.
$ i: G! I3 ]2 D" @1 r; V8 \剧情简介" R+ {+ _0 ]0 n8 f
; A% @) X+ B2 a; L8 O3 [( l6 y/ _3 l
  g2 ]* O+ _$ C- }9 L& h( u( q【免币下载】:nfgds.rar
4 R, h' r: n, c; b/ ?+ L【资源下载】:[attach]22102113[/attach]
4 A$ X5 H0 K3 V+ Q, L; n4 _. Y>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+ |) a* j* p# }+ B( y

+ [7 C; ]  H% ^1 L( M! |" H[精品软件] <已更新链接>某宝的VIP迅雷,用了一段时间了很好用共享出来
1 t: J" F0 y9 e, B% _

+ z0 w  w6 A) R% e+ Y6 b
7 H1 C/ `7 ?  z: C

作者: luhaifeng88    時間: 2021-4-7 13:48

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